About me

This blog

This blog is mainly about the books I read. As of 2024, I am captivated by the genre of speculative science fiction, particularly deep future. It started out when I watched Dune in 2021, then proceeded to read the books (the first 6, by Frank Herbert). After that my attention was drawn to The Book of the New Sun (BotNS), by Gene Wilde.

I liked BotNS so much that, in the interest of consuming anything similar, I decided to go through a list of media mentioned by Ada Palmer in her introductory essay, The Path of the New Sun. That's mainly what this blog will be about. It's my first time blogging about anything, so I don't expect to have much constancy about it, and I really am a slow reader (I tend to pick things up after ridicuclously long periods, so I take forever to finish anything). Writing this is hopefully a way to make me stick to reading and get more of it done.

My other haunts

I like the concepts of small web and federation. I keep a gemini capsule that I try to style more as a proper website than a blog:


Gemini is a protocol for a smaller internet, where sites are hosted by people, not megacorps! You can browse my gemini capsule through the mozz.us portal, although you might like to try exploring geminispace through a dedicated client.

I also post about books and other things on Mastodon, so you can follow me there.